How To Apply Golf Handicap?- Everything You Need To Know

Golf handicaps are a must in most golf matches, whether a summer gathering or professional golf. They are so much more than just scorecards. 

They can be used to track long-term progress and create team-based plans. But how to apply golf handicap? Let us look at it in detail.

Applying Golf Handicaps

The question of how to apply golf handicaps is an easy one to solve. There are specific rules and details in golf handicapped scorecards, which make them highly detailed tracking options. One can use them to apply their golf handicaps to this core in the following ways.

  • There is a handicap index that allows golfers of varying skill set levels to facilitate competition with each other and form a proper comparison of scores.
  • Players can obtain their handicapped index from the golf club and tutorial association. One must ensure that the handicapped index is USGA approved if one choose to use online golf handicapped indexes from random sources.
  • There are different slope ratings for specific sets of rules. These sets of rules first need to be determined by the player, then they need to look at the particular ratings for directions. A higher rating means a more complex set of tees.
  • A specific calculation needs to be completed to know one’s rating. You are to divide the slope rating of the set of tees that you have chosen by 113 and multiply the result by your handicap index.
  • The result of these indexes will be based on double-digit numbers. They need to be rounded off; for example, 11.6 has to become 12.
  • There will be labeled holes under each handicapped index, 12, where you may subtract one stroke for each hole. During matches, players subtract strokes based on their handicap to reach scores. If your handicap is greater than 18 you can easily subtract additional strokes, starting with the hardest of holes.
  • You can reach your overall net score for every particular round by subtracting the course handicap from the overall score.
  • The method of reaching this overall net score may differ from tournament to tournament, and the participants will be informed by the event management or tournament management committee about the scoring method they must follow.

Benefits Of Using A Golf Handicap Scorecard For Practice

Even as a beginner golf player, one should have a thorough knowledge of golf handicaps, and practice models should be procured to help them play. This is because of the following reasons.

  • Golf handicaps make it easy for you to calculate scores, and using them in practice makes the individual thorough with the nitty-gritty of the game.
  • Golf handicaps help you understand how to score in a professional match environment and how you can increase your score, i.e., changing your golf handicap.


How to apply golf handicap? Well, the answer is right here. The player should go around with all the character research to carry their golf career to its finest heights.